Thank you for your flexibility during the past several years as we all navigated through some global circumstances that impacted us all. Below is some information and updates to let you know of the ongoings within the Creative Industries Division.
CID – to include the Hawai‘i Film Office (HFO) – is open to the public. If you wish to visit, or have an in-person meeting, please contact us and we can arrange a time to meet, either at our home office, or at the Entrepreneurs Sandbox. Our home office is located on the fifth floor at 250 S. Hotel Street, Honolulu, HI 96813.
Our facilities inside the Entrepreneurs Sandbox and Diamond Head Film Studio are open, and we highly recommend contacting us if you have any questions or wish to coordinate a tour of the facilities. The Diamond Head Studio is frequently occupied by active film productions, so access needs to be coordinated if a tour is requested.
For information on film permits, visit filmoffice.hawaii.gov/state-film-permits/
For updates, please continue to visit this website and our respective websites at: filmoffice.hawaii.gov and creativelab.hawaii.gov
Please be well and continue to stay safe.
– Georja Skinner, Chief Officer